First wide-body airliner developed as a by-product of work done by Boeing on CH-X military transport requirement. Officially launched into production on July 25, 1966, and made first flight on February 9, 1969. Put into service by launch customer Pan American on the North Atlantic on January 21, 1970. Total delivered : 643.
Accommodation : 3 + 516
Cargo/Baggage : 90,720 kg (200,000 lb)
Max speed : MO.92 (525 kt; 973 km/h)
Range : 6600 nm (12,223 km)
Wingspan : 59.6 m (195 ft 8 in)
Length : 70.7 m (231 ft 10 in)
Height : 19.3 m (63 ft 5 in)
747SP : Longer-range short-body derivate
747-100 : Original production model
747-100B : Higher gross weight and strengthened structure
747-100SF : Cargo conversion with main-deck cargo door
747-100SR : Short-range version optimized for high T-O/landing cycles
747-200B : Increased fuel and uprated engines
747-200C : Passenger/cargo model with upward-hinged nose
747-200F : Freighter with upward-hinged nose
747-200M : Combi with large portside cargo door aft of wing
Low/swept wings; four underwing GE CF6, P and W JT9D, or Rolls- Royce RB 211 turbofans; short upper deck; swept tailfin and low-set tailplane; wide-body fuselage